Internal Medicine 2020 | Patient Care 2020 | Keynote Speakers | London, UK | March 18-19, 2020 | Group Discounts
Keynote Speakers | Internal Medicine 2020 | Patient Care 2020 | London, UK | March 18-19, 2020 Come and learn at our conference: Internal Medicine 2020 | London, UK Theme: Advancements in Internal Medicine and Patient Care Where Healing, Teaching & Discovery Come Together - CME and CPD Credits. - Research publication in proceeding book. - Abstract publication in associated online journal. - B2b and Networking meetings. - Online speaker webpage - Workshops and Symposium, - Young Researchers Forum and Posters Award for Students. - DOI by Cross-Ref -Certificate for participation and attendance. Limited KEYNOTE SLOTS are available. Hurry up!!! Submit your abstract on Below topics: # Gastroenterology # Oncology # Nephrology # PulmonaryDisease # Endocrinology # Hematology # InfectiousDisease # Immunology # GenomicMedicine # Rheumatology # CardiovascularDisease # ClinicalTrials # InternalMedicine ...